Friday, September 9, 2011

CE: 10th year.

              I’ve been hearing about this day coming up. This tragic day that happened 10 years ago. Many lives were lost, tears, pain, injuries, everything. This has changed the United States so much. I may not know a lot about this day, but this day interests me a lot. This happened when I was in first grade. I honestly didn’t even know about it until a few years ago. And when someone told me, it didn’t affect me as much as it did until now. Watching all these videos; people crying, people jumping off the buildings, watching the airplane hit the building, all that. It really hit me. Like woah, this is such a big event, and I never took it seriously until this year. I don’t know what I would do if I lost a loved one because of that. So much grief would just build inside me. I don’t know how these little kids who lost their moms, dads can deal with it. I would just breakdown every year. I just wish I could like give them a hug or something.

            This upcoming Sunday, the 10 year anniversary of September 11, 2011, when these two faceless terrorists decided to hit the World Trade Center in New York City with two airplanes, I hope everyone will actually take this day seriously, and respect everyone who was a victim from it. I hope something like this won’t happen ever again. It affected a lot of people emotionally and physically. 

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