Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BC: A Little About Me..

My name is Dziu. It's a Vietnamese name actually spelled "Diu" meaning peacefulness, mildness, calmness. But knowing me, that's nothing like me. Well it can be, I guess. People usually call me by the name of Vicky, but some people like to get all fancy, and call me Victoria. Whatever’s fine with me. I’ve lived in Alameda most of my life, but moved houses in Alameda many times. Right now, I am currently attending Alameda High School. Not my most favorite place to be, but what can I say? It’s school.
 I like to play guitar. I’ve been playing for four years, since the 6th grade. I’m not the most athletic girl, but I love being outdoors, and just taking walks. I’m not sporty, but the fact of being outdoors and feeling the nice breeze and quiet atmosphere (at times) is very relaxing. I’ve never joined a sport but I’m interested in volleyball. I’ve stayed in California my whole life, but when I grow up, I wanted to travel the whole world. Meeting new people, exploring the unique places everywhere is one of my main goals when I get older. Education isn’t my thing, but I like to take challenging classes hoping to get in a good college. I’m very indecisive and can’t seem to plan ahead of my future. I’m just hoping for the best. Being the 3rd oldest of seven siblings made me a very responsible person. I’m a neat freak, unfortunately. But I guess there are good things about being one. I’m actually really shy, when you first meet me. Once we start talking to more, that’s a whole different story. I talk a lot. Like a lot. But I guess some people enjoy my non-stop talking. J Oh, and I get scared easily too, so don’t try to scare me.
Now, let’s talk about my education skills. Let’s see, I hate math. I hate history, I HATE science, P.E is eh, its okay. I don’t like Spanish, because my memory sucks. And English is okay. I’d say that would be my easiest subject. I don’t know, something about writing comes no naturally to me. (sometimes) And grammar, spelling, all that jazz has always been easy to me since forever. I’m not a 4.0 student, sadly. I’m an average student with passing grades at least. One thing I hate about being Asian is that people always think I’m smart and that it’s okay to copy off my homework. No, I’m not smart, and most likely, my homework answers aren’t even right. At least I try. That’s pretty much my education information, exciting huh?!?!
Okay, now to talk about my main goals for this sophomore year. My main goal is to try to open up more, and make new friends. Last year, I was in my little shell and never came out. It sucked. I’m a shy girl. This year, I’m trying to be different. Another thing is to work harder. I slacked off a lot last year. My grades weren’t so good as they usually are. I don’t know what happened. I just didn’t take my freshman year seriously. But now that it’s a new year, I’m going to try to change that. Well this is an introduction of myself. I’m really looking forward to this new school year. (sorta) J


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  3. OMG THATS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
