Friday, September 16, 2011

FREE: Bullying

I just don't understand this. I don't understand what goes on in people's minds when they talk down on other people. When they call them fat, ugly, skinny, flat, dumb, and way more. Especially to a girl like me, ONE WORD, like ugly, can make a girl's self esteem go down totally. Even though, you may be "joking around" you don't understand the pain that is going inside her mind. She thinks about it constantly, she will never forget it. Call her pretty, she'll be happy temporarily, but call her ugly, she will never forget it. Girls are really sensitive, and so are boys. So please watch what you say.

 Also, physically bullying people is just as dumb. Why risk you getting in trouble just to see someone you pick on be miserable. You could get expelled, suspended, detention. What good does it do for people? Nothing. Nothing good has happened in doing that for you.

And most of all, cyber-bullying. I truly hate this. I hate what people do these days. People go and kill themselves because of these heartless jerks. How does that make you feel? Shitty, I hope. Why would you bring down others, just to make you feel better. And I'm pretty sure, half of them didn't even do anything wrong to you. People just do it because they think it's funny. I don't see anything funny about this. But I guess there's nothing I can do about it, we live in a fucked up world.


  1. Responded to someone on heeeeeeeeeeeeere!

  2. You are beautiful always remember that. I reposted this!
