Friday, September 9, 2011

RE: Equality Still Matters.

I was reading Bridget's blog and this really interested me

The past should be accepted, and there is no way to change the past to make things better right now. Best way is to move on and start making the world a better and safer place for everybody and not just for the wealthy. I believe that every citizen should be treated equally unless they don't deserve to
I really agree with this line right here. I think that equality is VERY important. After the 9/11 incident, everyone assumes that people with these head coverings are terrorists, and are going to like "bomb the school." I witnessed someone actually saying that to someone with a head covering at school. What a heartless jerk. The people who have actually done something wrong is different, but these innocent people are getting picked on for something they didn't do. They're just like everyone else. We're all human, we all have a brain, a heart, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs. We're all the same.

None of us should be treated down on. I personally hate it when people think I'm smart because I'm Asian. White people hate it when people assume that they're snobby, rich, and stuck-up. African  Americans hate it when people think they're only from the ghetto, and have no future ahead of them. And Iranian, Afghanistan, and more hate it when people only think they're terrorists. We all need to just take off these labels, and understand that we are all the same, and need to accept that. Fuck labels.


  1. Not everyone has arms, legs and hair you insensitive bitch. LOL jk i hate you.

  2. i have legs!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I totally agree on this one too, and I'm sure almost everyone does as well. But honestly, unless someone like, does a whole rebirth of the population to take away the already embedded stereotypes in our brains, the whole ridding of labels could never happen. Sad to say. I like this post though.
