Friday, September 16, 2011

RE: I'mperfect

"peers can also have an effect on how one sees beauty."
This explains so much.  Society today is so judgmental. Us boys and girls try really hard just to get noticed. But whatever we do, no matter how hard we try, people will continue judging more and more. It makes us want to work harder just to be accepted into society. Sometimes, I wish I can have that "I don't give a fuck attitude" but honestly, I can never have that. When someone tells me something bad, I take it to heart. Even though, I'm always telling others I'm fine, I'm not. I over think. If our society wasn't so judgmental, maybe girls wouldn't be starving themselves to be skinnier, or showing their cleavage everywhere, or wearing makeup (like I do). Maybe guys wouldn't be trying to have that nice body, over-working themselves, and more.

 People don't understand how one thing like "you're fat" can affect someone so much, next thing you know, you see her throwing up her food, or going to the gym everyday. That's just one example, but I can name like a gazillion others. Like I always say, we live in a fucked up world. Sometimes I want to go back to like the really old days when everyone was called beautiful no matter what size you were, or how you looked. Marilyn Monroe is known to be one of the most beautiful girls out there, and she was not a size double 0 or anything, she was a size 4 to 6. If society today wasn't so harsh, maybe we'd all accept our true beauty, and I have to admit, this is something I need to work on.

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