Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BC: Just Livin' Life.

I strongly agree with Steve Job's advice because it speaks words of a genius. Obviously, Steve Job's got very far and sucessful in his life because he lived by his advice. He was the creator of Apple, and because of him, our whole world changed dramatically. He truly is an inspirational character and his advice is what got him to where he is. The most genius, repspected, legendary, creative person. And probably much more.

I think that everyone should really take this advice to heart. You never know if tomorrow is promised. So live everyday like it's your last. Because death will come no matter what. I've never really lived by this advice yet, but I really do believe I should. There have been so many things that I've wanted to do, but never got to. I kept telling myself that I would do it later, and I kept saying this like everyday, and never got to it. If I told myself that I would die soon, I would probably achieve so many things in life. If only I had the courage. I'd probably learn a lot about myself too.

Why leave things un-answered, and having that thought eat your mind of "what if"s. Try things out, you never know what may happen. If something bad happens, just get back up and keep walking. If something good, then hell yes, success! For all the people who have always wanted to do something, but never could because of lack of encouragement, remember that death will come and dying without even trying it out will just leave it unsatisfying.

Just typing this and thinking of all the things Steve Job's has accomplished leaves me amazed. Because of him, we have all these cool electronic stuff. The iPod, iPod Touch, iPad, Macbook, and more. Our world would be so different if he never came into the picture. He died with a great name. Rest in peace. Look how far he has gone, he followed his heart, and it lead him to accomplish his big dreams. Don't you want to be like that? Well, we all have our own opinions, but I surely would. I have so many big dreams out there, and hopefully I follow my heart and lead them.

So to all the people who trying to make big choices in their life, just do it. Go for it. You don't know what's going to happen until you actually try it. I know you probably hear that a lot, and it's so common to say, but it's true. It's very true. Yep, that famous quote "you never know unless you try." If you ever wanted to become a singer, try to get a recording contract. If you ever wanted to do something crazy, do bungee jumping or something. If you wanted to join a sport, go try out. If you ever wanted to approach that pretty girl or cute boy, go and talk to them. You got nothing to lose. If it doesn't turn out so well, that embarrassment will just fall away in the face of death, like Steve Jobs says. And once you actually accomplish any of your dreams, you will feel pretty damn good. haha.

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