Thursday, October 20, 2011

CE: Earthquake

I'm sitting here in my Pre-cal class taking notes like a good girl, and then BOOM. Oh my god, I was terrified. I wasn't sure if someone was just jumping but then the whole room started moving. I started shaking. lol, I do not take earthquakes well. That was so scary. I was so about to like go under my desk but then it stopped, and everyone in the classroom didn't seem to be freaking out. So I heard it was like a 3.9 or 4.5 earthquake? I don't know, but I know I was pretty scared. It kinda took me a while to get over it, but then of course we all had to continue our notes and yeah.

So when I was younger, I like never got to experience earthquakes, we always had earthquake drills or something, but never an actual one. But in the past few months, I've gone through three small earthquakes, but big enough to feel it. I don't remember having this many when I was younger. It's pretty shocking, well not that much I guess. But we haven't had a big earthquake yet.. The last big one around here was in 1989 I think. I feel like another big one is coming. Need to get ourselves prepared! Every time we feel an earthquake happening, most of us don't even go under a desk or something for protection, most likely, people run to the computer and tell Facebook. And during the one in school today, everyone just kind of sat there in shock. No one went under their desk, I just heard people screaming./laughing. I don't think a lot of people took it seriously.

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