Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RP: I'm a Lazy Texter

I saw this on Kristy's blog,
"Honestly, I don’t think I really need a phone anymore."
I remember I never had texting until the end of freshman year. Oh my gosh, do you know how excited I was? Pretty darn juiced. Anyways, over time, I just got really lazy, and I'm the slowest replier you'll ever meet. Well I don't know actually, haha. But yeah, I'll get a text and just look at my phone and throw it on my bed or something. I guess I just feel there are more important things I could do than reply to that text. To be honest, I'd only reply to someone if I like you,or you're cute. Or unless it's really important. And to the others that just text me a lot or on a daily basis, I'll reply slow or fast, but I'll eventually get to it.

Recently, I don't get as many texts as I used to, because I assume people got tired of texting me. lol. I would get tired of texting me too. Oh yeah, I like never answer calls too. So my phone's just there, and I have no use for it anymore. No one hits me up, and I like never hit anyone up because of my laziness. But I kind of miss when no one texted. Only called. I think it's more fun. But people are constantly texting or talking behind a screen, it makes it awkward to talk on the phone.Or that's how I see it. Ah, technology, gotta love it!


  1. "To be honest, I'd only reply to someone if I like you,or you're cute. "

    damn you're shady but I know you respond to me becuz i'm cute

    he he he
