Thursday, October 6, 2011

RE: Be Optimistic Not Pessimistic.

"Do not let unnecessary problems ruin your day. Keeping a positive attitude creates a healthy mind. The real difference between happy positive people and unhappy negative people is their willingness to change and adjust their attitudes in any and every situation. Life goes on. Keep it moving."
Casandra has words of a genius. People these days seem to drown themselves in thoughts of their past mistakes, or their daily problems. We all need to remember that we're all imperfect, and that you're not the only one. Everyone goes through these daily obstacles, it just makes us stronger. We learn from them, and then we move on. No need to cry and get sad over these unnecessary things. They're just part of the cycle of life. Keeping a positive mind will make you happy. Keeping a negative one will just make you angrier and angrier each day. And no one likes being around someone like that!

It's like you're walking, and then you happen to trip on a rock. Do you just stay there, cry, and be miserable? No, you get up, and keep walking even though how bad the fall was. Same thing with daily problems we go through. If something bad happens, keep your head up, and look at as many positive things you can from that situation. If there aren't.. you just gotta keep on moving! It will get better, it's not the end of the world, and you will live. There are so many things to be happy for, believe me. Don't let one thing ruin that.

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