Thursday, October 6, 2011

CE: Run From the Po-Po!

So I come home this fine Thursday evening, and I hear a bunch of helicopters and I see a bunch of blinking blue and red lights. I look outside my window, and see a bunch of polices all down my whole block. And if I hear helicopters, I know something bad must have happened. I go outside, and try to figure out what happened. No fire, no ambulance, no one seemed to be injured. I asked a lady what happened, and she said the cops were looking for someone in that white house. And I thought it was funny that no cop actually went in the house yet. And there were like 13905729852 cops there. (I'm exaggerating) So I stand there for a while, and another man in a bike says that it was a cop chasing after another car for blocks back and forth, and they finally decided to stop at that one white house. He told me he saw it, and the man in the car just kept yelling, "Fuck the police," or something like that. lol. People were telling me that that house was known as the "drugee house."

I don't know why that man running from the cops would go through all that trouble running from the cops back and forth when they know that sooner or later, they will catch them eventually. Why not just get everything over with, since we all know it's going to happen. That person thought stopping and running into that house was going to stop everything and that the cops would just away. The police have been waiting outside this person's house for quite a while now, and they haven't come out yet. But that person is dumb as hell and needs to get his lesson learned!

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