Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE: RIP Steve Jobs.

I know I already made a post about him for another assignment, but I felt the need to do it again for my current events post. Steve Jobs was one of the most inspirational characters anyone can look up to. He has many famous quotes because of his pure knowledge. He really changed the world today, I just can't imagine what it would be like if the Apple industry never existed. So many people use an apple device in their everyday life. Whether it's for music, phone, computer, games, anything, it's such a big part of people's lives. Apple is one of the most successful companies out there, and all because of one person, Steven Jobs. The creator of this genius brand.

When he died, it affected so many people. I can't stress how many people love the Apple company. I love it. It's become so popular because it is just complete intelligence. And it all started in his Silicon Valley garage. It has improved our lives in so many ways. Even  Apple says, "The world is measurably better because of Steve." Seeing that he passed away is really sad. I wonder what Apple is going be now. It'll probably still be really successful, but it won't be the same without him anymore. People will forever mourn over him, but may he rest in peace. ): 

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