Thursday, October 6, 2011

FREE: The Rain

Meh, I'm not a big fan of the rain, but after that super hot week last week, it feels nice and relaxing. I like hearing the sound of it. I just don't like getting wet in it. But in this cold weather, you can put on as many layers of clothes you want and be warm and comfy. In the heat, man, it's blazing. I get all sweaty and yucky. And plus, I get super cranky. But now that it's starting to get cold, I feel more at ease and I don't know. Everything just seems more peaceful to me. lol, I'm weird. And I like winter clothes too, they look cute.

Anyways, I'm actually looking forward to this winter season, there's so many fun holidays coming up! Like Halloween, Thanksgiving, my BIRTHDAY, Christmas, all these are like my favorite part of the year. And these holidays = longer breaks from school. I'm really excited. And that's when everyone starts putting up their lights on the houses and it just looks really beautiful to me. Everyone's mood kind of changes too. People get more happier and merrier, or is it just me. Parties, presents, candy, turkey, lights, trees, mistletoes... and all that good stuff is already making me filled with joy. I pray nothing bad happens, and everyone will have a good time this winter season. Anyways, we have a three-day weekend, and I can't wait to sleep in. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! :)

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