Thursday, October 13, 2011

Free: Addiction to the Internet.

Where do I begin? Our whole life is part of the internet. We like literally live off it. I don't know what would even happen to some people if they didn't have internet for like a week or a month. Our world is so complex now with the internet. Back in the days, our school would never use it. Some teachers didn't even know what it was. But now, most of the assignments/homework/grades are all on the web. It's crazy, really. And using the internet for fun? I can honestly say I'm like addicted to certain websites. Like Facebook, and others. I can stay on the computer for hours, and not even realize it.

But thinking of all the time I waste on the internet is terrible. I want to go and do something more productive, fun, energetic. It's just so hard now. The internet is like a necessity. Most people need it in their lives. And many people are addicted to it. But I guess there are some advantages to the web. My point is, SOMETIMES I wish internet didn't even exist so it wouldn't distract me from like homework, or things I want to do. Or maybe I can try taking a break from my computer for like a week, I want to see if I can do it. Except for homework, and school online stuff of course.. It's not going to be easy, but I know for a fact that I would get so much more things done faster and without distractions.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I did a response post to this :
