Thursday, October 20, 2011

FREE: A lot of Changes

Looking back on my freshman year, oh god. lol. Let's just say that year sucked. Like it sucked a lot. I'm not going to get into detail, because I hate thinking of negative things. Let's just say I lost a lot of friends. And because of that, I just gave up on people. I didn't even bother trying to meet new people. Anyways, this year, I told myself I'd be more open, and try to make new friends, since I never tried last year. Wow, I'm so much happier. New friends = happiness. I've been keeping more of a positive attitude, since I had such a negative one freshman year. And I haven't been letting people walk all over me, or talk down on me. That was a big issue last year that affected me greatly.

I like hated everyone. haha. I was such a hater before. But that was because I never tried to get to know people more. I don't know why I always automatically assumed that people would hate me. This year, I got to know people better, and met amazing new friends. More hangouts, more fun, more laughs, something I haven't done in a while.. So, so far I've been liking this new year, and I hope I continue to for the rest of the year. Got a long way til the end of high school, but it's probably going to go by fast. High school messes a lot of people up, but you decide on how you want to handle it. Yep.


  1. I'm gonnn respond to diz

  2. Hey, I did a response post to this:
