Thursday, October 13, 2011

RE: Weather, why must you be so difficult?!

As my homie nugget Gendarme says,
"The weather in Bay Area has been really bipolar than usual. This whole week has been sunny, rainy, and vice versa all in one day." 
All I can say is why. WHY? Why must you be so hard to read. Global Warming is getting pretty bad. Imagine what it's going to be like a couple years from now. It gives me the chills. Our poor earth is in such bad condition right now. I hope we can do something about it. And it's been pretty hard to tell what the weather is going to be. A couple days ago, I wore a short-sleeve and no jacket because the weather told me it was going to be like 70 degrees. But no, it fucking rains in the morning, and I look like a complete dumbass in the morning. But right when lunch is about to start, it gets super sunny, and actually kind of warm. So I guess it was okay of what I wore.

Anyways, the Bay Area has never had extreme weather conditions like these. We've been going through some bumpy weather these past few weeks. It's gone from super hot, to rainy and cold. And then rainy to super hot. I don't understand. Well I do, because of Global Warming, but it's just so weird. I just can't take these constant mood swings the weather has been giving us. And the weather forecast has been giving me mixed signals of the temperature for the day. Man, the weather needs to get off its fucking period. I wish we'd have the right temperature for the season we're in. It's the middle of October, and things are supposed to be cooling down. But I heard tomorrow's weather is going to be like 81. Whoopty whoop. And then it's supposed to rain next week, as what the weather channel is "telling me" which I don't fully trust now. lol. I'm going to go loco.

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